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Hi, I’m Kerri. I help people like you learn to discern well so that you can live with purpose and peace.

I began this work because I talked to so many people in different walks of life – students, moms, professionals, empty-nesters – who were all struggling with the same question: “what am I doing with my life?!”

(I wrestled with the same question.)

Juggling the demands of life with the desires of the heart is no easy task.

Learning to listen to God in a world of constant noise is tough.

Sorting out what works for you and not for Sue (your mother-in-law, the Instagram influencer, that lady in the cereal aisle judging your grocery cart) takes courage. 

I’m here to help. 

What I believe:

> God has made each and every person unique. While there are some things that we all need to live by (like the 10 commandments) – there are plenty that we don’t. How you organize your home or your life or your family calendar is unique to you. Despite what the influencers and experts say, there is no one “right way” to earn an income, enjoy a restful weekend, or fold your socks. You get to discern what works for you.

> Prayer and discernment involve an ever-deepening relationship with God. No one can tell you in specific detail what God’s will is for your life – but everyone can learn skills for better listening.

> Tuning into the desires of our own hearts can be scary – but ultimately life-giving when we practice naming them honestly and holding them lightly.

> Silence really is golden. The world needs less noise.

> Love, self-sacrifice, joy, and sorrow can all exist in the same space.

> It’s ok to say no to the contemporary “norms” that stress you out. You don’t have to try to have it all or hustle to be successful or keep up with the latest trends or even (!) have a smartphone or be on social media.

> Knowing yourself is a life-long task that is worth the continual effort.

When I was 11, I found myself at a Christian summer camp having a long heart-to-heart with another elementary school student. At the end, my fellow camper turned to me and said, “Wow – you’re really good at this. You should be a guidance counselor.” 25 years later, I took her advice. Instead of helping high schoolers sort out college applications, though, I started helping adults sort out their lives.

I founded Clarity Life Consulting in 2018 and have been serving clients through 1:1 consults, resources, and writing ever since. (Read what my clients have to say about it.)

I’m a life-long Christian with professional expertise in theology. (B.A, M.A., S.T.B., S.T.L. Yes, it was an intense decade!) Over the years, I’ve learned how to integrate the wisdom and truths of the Christian life with the best practices of human “self-help.” And as someone with intuitive and deliberative personality traits, I’ve discovered a natural tendency towards seeing what others don’t and getting to the heart of an issue through careful discernment.

I’ve spent many years in higher education, first as a graduate student, then as a university professor. In that time, I’ve learned the fine art of honing thoughts and clarifying ideas. I’ve written and marked hundreds of articles and essays and had endless conversations with colleagues and students about clarity of thought and communication. I’ve spent years researching, advising, and giving honest feedback.

I enjoy teaching, but my favorite conversations always involve students seeking practical advice for their personal lives.

Decades of volunteering with various groups, from primary school students to those in elderly care homes, has taught me the value of listening to each person’s story. Journeying alongside friends and colleagues who have transitioned to being spouses and parents has led to years-long conversations about integrating new relationships and wrestling with changing identities.

I’ve moved countries three times, changed careers, gotten married cross-culturally, and always found myself pondering the big questions of life.

I love to help people who are pondering theirs.

How I got here

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If you want to learn more about me and my work, sign up for emails (they tend to be a bit more personal), read the blog, or explore how we could work together.